Welcome to our Valley.
This page has not only traditions but a bit of history on the species! Enjoy.
Basic Traditions
Ma-Drak Traditions
Ri-Kin Traditions (Long and Important)
Au-Flin Traditions
Bey-Shah Traditions
Ky-Raen Traditions
Que-Tae Traditions
Anazali Traditions

Basic Traditions
When a new person comes they must always interduce themselves to the king and queen. This is especailly important in the Royal Castle and The Kingdom of Theives but it is still considered a great curtasy everywhere.
When a new king/queen is crowned you should always show them your respect and go see them.
Show the leader of your kingdom total respect even if you do not like them or even if you hate them. They are still your ruler.

Ma-Drak Traditions
The Drak have always been very loyal to their family and family honor is the MOST important thing. They are very close and tend to have large familes. This goes back to the poser struggle when Ma-Drak Lords showed their power by the number of heirs they had and their magic, a magic that was lost forever when The Creator left our land.

Ri-Kin Traditions
The Kin have the most tradition of any species and NO ONE that is not a Ri-kin is allowed to know them. If a Kin is caught telling their tradition to someone who is not of their kind they were killed in the olden times but now they may get away with being shamed. Please remember that only your Kin characters will know this following information. All female children take their mother's maiden name and all male take the father's name until they are older when they decide if they can decide to A) keep their mother/father's name B) change it to the other parents name or C) choose their own name to suit them best. Families are not close because of the Ma-drak that tore their family apart. Children and parents tend not to stay close unless they have an extreme bond and husbands and wives usually only stay together for a few years. The Kin have other traditions but they are even more secret and were lost over time. Only a few of the Kin remember them, such as Tatiana Phoenix (taught be her adopted mother, Mariama), and follow them today.
Every day the Ri-kin pray to their goddess, Rynne, the first Ri-kin. Her decendents are only known by the Ri-kin and those they consider family. Only those that carry the Phoenix last name are direct blood desendents through the female line. Males may not carry the name. (Don't come into DE as a new character and say you are a Phoenix because it was already decided in the book I wrote that Mariama is the only direct blood decendent left and then her 3 adopted daughters that now carry the name are as well due to a ceremony done by Mariama and Rynne.)

Au-Flin Traditions
The Flin are very strange people, they are often secretive and keep to themselves. It is considered a sin in their society to tell a secret to someone outside their species before checking with the highest ranking Flin. However, since the Species Guilds have now colapsed, they no longer do this but still find it hard to open up to those that aren't of their own kind.

Bey-Shah Traditions
They Bey-Shah traditions are very closly related to horses. They are very indipentant and wild people so they rarly get married except to eachother and maybe que-tae's. If you have tamed the heart of a Shah consider yourself lucky and remember their close relationship to horses may still come first.

Ky-Raen Traditions
Ky-raen are very secretive about their traditions, not for any reason but liking to appear ambiguous. Most follow their own paths, but there are a two traditions followed by all Ky-raen. 1) All Ky-raen pray to Rae, their god, when they wake up each morning. 2) Once a year, the Ky-raen climb up the highest mountain in DE, and stay there with the other 'Raen for exactly one week.

Que-Tae Traditions
Que-tae have several interesting traditions, much like the Bey-sha. But, as they are a different but closely related species, there are some differences. One major difference is their love and respect of the wind. Also, when the moon is full, all Que-tae become private and detached from society; and give offerings and prayers to Blue Dawn and Winter Sun, the god and goddess of their beloved mystical equines.

Anazali Traditions
The Zali are very honorable people. Family is treasured above all but animals and most of the time family is animals. They are very hard to raise when they are younger and often are abandoned or run away.
They don't have many traditions but when they meet one of their own kind they bow and touch heads.